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HomeNews & MediaIngredient Focus: Marshmallow Extract

Ingredient Focus: Marshmallow Extract

Posted by Botany,

Origin: Whole plant
Odour: Clean, sweet note
Found in: Hand & Body Lotion (marshmallow Extract, dragonfruit, lemon myrtle), bath soak, refining serum

Marshmallow extract contains skin rejuvenating acids and vitamins such as caffeic acid, Vitamin B, C and beta carotene. The extract is derived from the flowering variety of marshmallow plant which grows in salty marshes near large bodies of water. The plant is grown worldwide and is prolific in Australia, Northern Europe, Asia and the United States mainly in damp areas.

The key actives and benefits* of Marshmallow include:

  • Coumarin: Herbiarin – anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activity.
  • Alcoholic β-glucoside: salicin – Salicin has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies have I dentified salicin as a key ingredient that may regulate functional youth gene clusters to reflect a more youthful gene expression profile.
  • Amino acids – skin and hair conditioning agent. Anti-aging,  anti-inflammatory and anti-fatigue activity.
  • Amine – antioxidant, anti-acne and potent anti-ageing active. Highly active in damaged hair renewal and promotes healthy hair giving luster and shine.
  • Caffeine – photo-protective active for skin, potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, and potent active for the reduction of cellulite.

*It’s important to note that everyone’s skin is different and for any serious skin concerns a dermatologist should be consulted.


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